
Less than half of Brits will take a summer holiday but a third will holiday on home soil this year


We’re all going on a summer holiday, or are we? As the school year draws to a close and the holiday season officially opens, research shows that just 47 percent of Brits will take a summer holiday this season. 53 percent will travel abroad and 30 percent will holiday in the UK, citing financial means and relaxation as the top reasons for  staying close to home, according to YouGov research by Readly.


One in five people (22%) are still undecided as to their summer holiday plans, perhaps taking a ‘wait and see what the weather brings’ approach, following weeks of wet weather.


The top priorities for holidays this year are to explore and experience new surroundings (64%), relax (56%), spend time with friends and family (46%), read books and magazines (37%) and try new food (36%). Over one in ten (14%) said travelling light is also important to them too.


Those not travelling cited financial uncertainty (44%), enjoying being at home (17%) and sustainability concerns (9%) as their rationale for staying local showed the poll of 2,000 adults by YouGov for Readly, the magazine and newspaper app with over 7,000 titles.

“Adventure, exploration yet relaxation appear to be the top themes for British holidaymakers this year. It’s interesting to see that so many are still choosing to stay local, perhaps to switch off from their daily jobs and enjoy quality time with friends and family to relax and reset.

We are pleased that reading occupies an important place in Brits’ summer activities, whether home or abroad. It is a great way to dedicate some quality time to yourself, find a new hobby, read around a next adventure or just escape from the daily grind. Celebrity and gossip, food and drink, fashion, tech and puzzles are some of the top genres to be read this summer”, says Ranj Begley, UK MD and Chief Content Officer at Readly.

With a third of people planning to read on holiday this year, 60 percent said they read more on holiday than at home. The preferences are fiction books (60%), non fiction books (28%), magazines (18%), newspapers (16%) and travel guides and puzzles (15%). 

The Readly app is packed full of magazines and newspapers and ideal for summer relaxation with unlimited reading to over 7,700 magazines and newspapers from a smartphone or ipad. Without adding any weight to your baggage and in an environmentally friendly and light way to read when travelling too, it’s the perfect holiday read.   Visit for more inspiration.




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Research: The survey was carried out with a sample of 2004 adults across the UK, during the period from 23-29th April of 2024 via the Internet, on the basis of the YouGov Panel.

About Readly
Readly is the European category leader for digital magazines. The company offers a digital subscription service that gives customers unlimited access to 7,700 magazines and newspapers. Readly has subscribers in more than 50 countries and content available in 17 different languages. In collaboration with 1200 publishers worldwide, Readly is digitising the magazine and newspaper industry. In 2023, revenues amounted to SEK 677 million. The Readly share is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. For more information, please visit